Let's get this out of the way right off the bat: "Prairie Whale" is an old name for a pig; by the mid-19th century, rendered lard was beginning to replace whale oil in lamps. Restaurateur Mark Firth chose the phrase to rename his year-old Great Barrington establishment, formerly the Bell & Anchor, after he got a cease-and-desist order from another Bell & Anchor in Sag Harbor.
**Holiday Dates closed: Dec 23-25 & Dec 31-Jan 2**
SERVING DINNER Thurs thru Mon 5pm-10pm
Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays
**Please call 413-528-5050 for reservations for 6-8 people. All smaller parties are walk-in**
To Make A Reservation
for parties of 6-8 only
(no larger groups)
Call 413.528.5050 and leave a detailed message with your preferences - we will call back to confirm.
2025 CUT !!